For Female Solopreneurs

Not meeting your business goals?


Chances are, it's because you are sabotaging yourself in some way (and you may not even be aware that what you are doing is self-sabotage.)

I can help.

I empower female solopreneurs to maximize their business success by overcoming the self-sabotaging behaviors that are keeping them from achieving their goals.

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Do you do any of these?

  • Procrastinating, or waiting until the last minute to work on tasks
  • Avoiding practicing something you’re hoping to improve at
  • Prioritizing other people’s needs over your own
  • Putting too much on your plate, so you “don’t have time” to do what you actually want to do
  • Using self-defeating language (e.g., putting yourself down, negative self-talk)
  • Making excuses (e.g., blaming others for not completing your goals)
  • Refusing to ask for help
  • People-pleasing and not setting proper boundaries
  • Engaging in self-destructive behavior (e.g., overspending, drinking or eating too much, neglecting your basic needs)
  • Not believing you deserve to reach your goal
  • Setting unreasonable goals for yourself
  • Seeking approval from other people, instead of believing in yourself
  • Resisting change by staying in your comfort zone, rather than trying new things
  • Comparing yourself to other people

If you do any of these things, you are engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors.

You know the actions you need to take but you are drawn to do the opposite—unconsciously or consciously participating in habits that make you less likely to succeed.

You are not alone.

Most Solopreneurs sabotage their success in one way or another.

9 ways self-sabotaging behaviors keep you from achieving your goals

Self-sabotaging behaviors hinder goal achievement in 9 ways:

  • Interference with action: Behaviors like procrastination and avoidance prevent us from taking necessary steps towards our goals.
  • Undermining confidence: Negative self-talk and self-doubt erode our belief in our abilities, making us less likely to pursue challenging objectives.
  • Perfectionism paralysis: The fear of not doing something perfectly can stop us from starting or completing tasks.
  • Energy drain: Constantly battling internal negativity depletes mental and emotional resources that could be used for productive work.
  • Missed opportunities: Fear of failure or comparison-itis may cause us to avoid potentially beneficial risks or collaborations.
  • Inconsistent effort: Distraction and lack of focus lead to sporadic progress rather than sustained momentum.
  • Self-fulfilling prophecies: When we expect failure, we may unconsciously act in ways that bring about that very outcome.
  • Comfort zone confinement: These behaviors keep us within familiar, comfortable patterns, preventing growth and expansion necessary for achieving ambitious goals.
  • Misalignment of actions and intentions: While we consciously want to achieve our goals, these behaviors represent subconscious resistance or conflicting desires.

10 ways overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors will help you achieve your goals

  • Improved self-esteem and confidence: When you stop undermining your own efforts, you'll likely feel more capable and worthy. This boost in self-esteem can positively impact all areas of your life.
  • Greater success in personal and professional goals: Without self-sabotage holding you back, you're more likely to follow through on your plans and achieve your objectives.
  • Enhanced relationships: Self-sabotage often affects how we interact with others. Overcoming it can lead to more honest, open, and fulfilling relationships.
  • Increased productivity and efficiency: Self-sabotaging behaviors like procrastination or perfectionism often waste time and energy. Eliminating these can significantly boost your productivity.
  • Better mental health: Self-sabotage is often linked to anxiety, depression, and stress. Overcoming it can lead to improved mental well-being.
  • More consistent personal growth: Without constantly setting yourself back, you can make steady progress in personal development.
  • Improved decision-making: Self-sabotage often involves making choices that aren't in your best interest. Overcoming it can lead to clearer, more rational decision-making.
  • Higher levels of self-awareness: The process of identifying and addressing self-sabotaging behaviors often increases overall self-awareness.
  • Increased resilience: Learning to overcome self-sabotage builds resilience, making you better equipped to handle future challenges.
  • Greater overall life satisfaction: All these benefits combined often lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying life overall.
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Why Mind Mastery is the best way to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors

Mind Mastery is the most effective and powerful way to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors so you can achieve your business goals and enjoy the benefits of being your own boss.

Research has shown that the percentage of time that your brain is working positively (serving you) versus negatively (sabotaging you) is the best predictor of how well you perform relative to your potential. (80% of us have a mind that sabotages us most of the time.)

Yet, chances are, your mind is sabotaging you most of the time ... which means that you are underperforming relative to your potential.

You must perform well relative to your potential to have the energy, motivation, resilience, confidence, and courage to maximize your business success.

How do you ever expect to achieve your business objectives if your own mind is sabotaging you much of the time and keeping you from performing up to your full potential?

What would it be worth to you to be free from self-sabotaging behaviors?

How Mind Mastery works

  • It focuses on building self-awareness:

The first step in mastering your mind is to help you become more aware of your own thought patterns and mental habits. You learn to catch yourself when you're falling into negative thought patterns or giving in to self-sabotaging behaviors. This awareness is crucial because you can't change what you're not aware of.

  • It weakens the influence of your inner Saboteurs:

You learn to identify the negative voices in your head that cause you to self-sabotage as "Saboteurs." These could be voices of fear, self-doubt, perfectionism, or any other limiting belief. By learning to recognize and label these "Saboteurs", you start to weaken their power over you. You realize that they are just thoughts, not truths.

  • It strengthens the "Sage" perspective:

In contrast to the "Saboteurs", you learn to cultivate your "Sage" - the wise, resilient, and positive part of your mind. As you strengthen your "Sage" through specific mental exercises, you develop a more balanced and empowering mindset. You learn to respond to challenges with curiosity, empathy, and creative problem-solving rather than fear and avoidance.

  • It rewires your brain at a neurological level:

Mind Mastery is not just about changing your thoughts; it's about actually rewiring your brain. Through consistent practice, you build new neural pathways that support positive habits and weaken the old pathways that led to self-sabotaging behaviors. This makes the changes more automatic and sustainable over time.

  • It addresses the emotional root causes:

Self-sabotaging behaviors are often driven by deeper emotional factors like fear, anxiety, or lack of self-worth. With the daily practice of Mind Mastery, you learn to meet these emotions with compassion and curiosity rather than judgment. This helps to diffuse their power and allows you to move forward despite the discomfort.

  • It cultivates intrinsic motivation:

Rather than relying on external accountability or pressure, Mind Mastery helps you tap into your own intrinsic motivation. By connecting with your "Sage" and clarifying your deeper purpose, you develop a stronger internal drive to achieve your goals. This intrinsic motivation is more sustainable and resilient than external factors.


How I can help you overcome self-sabotaging behaviors

Successful Solopreneur Academy

In this 7 week program, you will learn how to turn down the volume on your saboteurs and turn up the volume on your Sage so you can overcome self sabotaging behaviors


Belief Busting Coaching

I will guide you through a powerful 9-step belief-busting process to reframe your limiting beliefs.


PQ Coaching

I will guide you through a powerful 5-step process that will resolve an issue or solve a problem.


Are you ready to let go of your self-sabotaging behaviors?

My signature program -- Successful Solopreneur Academy -- is the most effective and fastest way to start mastering your mind.

In this 7-week program, you will learn

  • How to rewire your neural pathways to defeat negative thinking, self-doubt, distractions, procrastination
  • How to unlock your limitless potential and drive
  • Actionable techniques to increase focus, drive, and resilience
  • A step-by-step plan that will boost your productivity, amp up your happiness, AND make you more successful.

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Aug 25, 2024

I'm A.J. Riedel!

I know firsthand what it's like to struggle with self-sabotaging behaviors.

Although I had run a successful market research consulting company for over 35 years, I tried and failed to launch my coaching business four years in a row.

Self-doubt, fear of failure, and a lack of clarity kept me stuck in a cycle of procrastination and unfulfilled potential.

I was easily discouraged.

I would quit as soon as I hit an obstacle.

I lacked the confidence and resilience to keep going.

Every day, I struggled with procrastination, perfectionism, negative self-talk, harsh self-criticism, indecision, self-doubt, and fear of failure.

In 2022, I found a scientifically-proven methodology and a framework that helped me master my mind so I could finally achieve my goal of starting a coaching business.

Now, I'm on a mission to help female Solopreneurs like you to maximize your business success by overcoming the self-sabotaging behaviors that are keeping you from achieving your goals.