Unlock the Solopreneur's Secret Weapon

Master the Mindset

That Drives Business Success

The right mindset and mental skills are as crucial to business success as having a great business idea.

You wouldn't run a marathon without training. So why start a business without training your mind?

Yet, many solopreneurs make the mistake of focusing on the long list of things they have to do without mastering their own mind first. As a result, they get blindsided by fear, self-doubt, discouragment, frustration, and insecurity and end up quitting.

Successful Solopreneur Academy is the most effective way to harness the power of your brain so that it serves you rather than sabotaging you.


Do you sometimes feel like your mind is your worst enemy? Like it's constantly throwing up roadblocks, doubts, and reasons why you can't do the thing you really want to do?

Your brain is not on board with your big dreams, so it is sabotaging you at every turn.

Successful Solopreneur Academy trains your mind to be your biggest cheerleader, your most valuable asset, your secret weapon in starting and growing your business.

It’s all about making your mind work for you instead of against you. It's about harnessing the incredible power of your thoughts and beliefs to propel you forward, instead of holding you back.

Imagine your mind is a super-computer. But right now, it's running on outdated software full of bugs and viruses. Those bugs and viruses are your limiting beliefs, your negative self-talk, your fears and doubts.

When you make your mind work for you, it's like giving that computer a massive software upgrade. Suddenly, it's running faster, smoother, and more efficiently than ever before. It's processing information in a way that supports your goals and dreams, instead of sabotaging them.

Successful Solopreneur Academy is THE most powerful and effective way to upgrade your mental software.

Corporate Drop-out Turned Serial Solopreneur

Hi! I'm AJ

I was where you are two years ago. 

For four years, I tried to launch my coaching business.  

But I was convinced that I was a failure as a business woman.  

So I was unsuccessful in my efforts to launch a new business.

The truth is that I was a successful business woman (even though I didn't see myself that way).

By most measures, my consulting company was a success.

I was in business for over 35 years which made my company one of only 10% of small businesses that defy the odds and are still around after the 10 year mark.

I made money every year and earned more than $2 million over 35 years.

I had a stable of loyal clients who came back to me whenever they needed research.

I was known as the preemptive authority on market research for the housewares industry.

I spoke at numerous trade shows and conferences and was quoted frequently in the media.

But… I never made more than $75,000 in any one year. 

So in my mind, I was a failure. 

My definition of success was $100,000+ in annual revenue.  

Which is why I thought that I was a lousy business woman.

I didn’t realize just how much this limiting belief I had about myself would come back to bite me in the butt until I tried to start my coaching business for the first time in 2019.

I discovered that I had to clear out that and other limiting beliefs I had about myself.

I found a way to do that in 2022 when I applied for and was accepted into the 6-week Positive Intelligence mental fitness training program for coaches.

I remember thinking, “Eureka! I found a solution to my problem!”

Mental fitness training taught me how to let go of my limiting beliefs and turn my mind from worst enemy to best friend. 

Now, I've taken everything I've learned from my own mental fitness journey and combined it with my business, marketing, and small group facilitation expertise and my passion to help other people who are where I was to create Successful Solopreneur Academy.

Why Successful Solopreneur Academy Is So Effective

Develop Mastery Over Your Mind

App-Guided Daily Gym Sessions strengthen your Self-Command muscles so you can stop negative thoughts and feelings in their tracks and quickly shift to empowerng thoughts and feelings. These exercises are bite-sized to fit your busy schedule and customized based on how you self-sabotage.

Learn the 3 Strategies

Weekly video training teaches you how to strengthen the 3 core mental muscles. You’ll feel inspired and energized to practice during the week in order to sustain the benefits experienced during the video sessions. Each video is short so you can fit learning into your schedule.

Practice the 3 Strategies Daily

Daily 2 minute mini-lessons that reinforce what you learned in the weekly video training along with 3 2-minute practice sessions to apply what you are learning.

Be Accountable for Building New Habits

You will meet regularly with the people who are going through the Program with you. Accountability is a critical success factor when building new habits. (b/c there is a 500% greater likelihood that you will stick with new habits if you have support and accountability.)

That's why Successful Solopreneur Academy is THE most powerful and effective program for getting your mind to serve you instead of sabotaging you!


Let’s Do This!

If you’re ready to take control of your mind, move from self-doubt to confidence, from fear to courage, from perfectionism to progress…

I can help.

After struggling to start my coaching business for four years, I found a scientifically-proven methodology and a framework that helped me master my mind so I could finally achieve my goal of starting a coaching business.

This is… Successful Solopreneur Academy.

Successful Solopreneur Academy is the culmination of 2 years of tried and true personal experience using the 3 strategies of the Positive Intelligence® mental fitness and helping others to do the same.

It’s the solution to the self-doubt, fear, Imposter Syndrome, perfectionism that are standing in the way of your dreams. It’s mental fitness, positive mindset, confidence, and courage that will get you where you want to go …. Faster.

And most importantly, it’s a process that will permanently rewire your brain and reprogram your mind so you can access your wisdom, intuition, creativity, curiosity, decisiveness, and action-orientation to build your business.

"The Bootcamp helped me rewire my brain and re-discover who I am."

As a result of taking AJ's Bootcamp, now when I feel a negative emotion, I tend to be quicker to redirect my thinking. I am able to disconnect from the less constructive thoughts, feelings, and stories and move forward with a strengthened positive brain."

- Stephanie T.

“I have seen dramatic transformation in myself after having participated in the bootcamp.”

AJ is a well-informed, compassionate coach. She is very professional and is an impeccable coach. She genuinely wants each participant to have all the resources they need to transform and blossom into their Sage. She's very supportive and guides participants in a non-judgmental, non-hyper-achiever fashion.

- Karina G.

As Apple used to say in their 2009 ads for the iPhone, “There’s an App For That!”

One of the coolest things about Successful Solopreneur Academy is that everything you need to do your daily mental fitness training is in the palm of your hand … because there is an App for that 

  • 6 Content-Packed Training Modules
  • The Daily Focus mini-lessons and exercises
  • The PQ Gym
  • Audiobook of the first 8 chapters of the book Positive Intelligence

Why Is Mental Fitness Training So Effective?

Focus on Habit Formation 

Most trainings result in short-lived improvements. For sustained results, we focus on building neural pathways that form lasting new habits. That’s why we call this “mental fitness”. 

Treat Root Cause 

Our factor analysis research has revealed the foundational root-level enablers and disablers of optimal performance and wellbeing. We rewire the brain at the root cause level. 

Develop all 3 Core Muscles 

Mental fitness requires three core muscles. Saboteur Interceptor to manage negative thinking, Self-Command to shift from Saboteur to Sage mode, and Sage to develop an Empowered Mindset.  

What’s Inside Successful Solopreneur Academy?

Onboarding Week

Priming Your Mind and Getting Set Up

Get the App set up, take your assessments, and get ready for the transformative experience of a lifetime!

6-Week Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness Training

You'll build a foundation of mental fitness by strengthening three critical mental muscles to shift the balance of power from your inner Saboteurs (your negative self) to your inner Sage (your positive self). You will meet with your Accountability Group every week and with me for a 1:1 Coaching Session every other week. 

Week 1


Through a breakthrough process called PQ® Reps, you'll develop greater mastery over your own mind, quiet the negative, and activate the positive region of your brain.

Weeks 2 & 3

Weaken Saboteurs

You'll expose the lies, limiting beliefs and damage of your Saboteurs, so they can no longer fool you into thinking they are helpful to you.

Weeks 4-6

Strengthen Sage

You'll access your innate inner wisdom and untapped mental powers so you can handle challenges with confidence, courage, and resilience.

Pay just $831.67 today!!!

Pay just $831.67 today (and 2 more payments of $831.67) OR save $500 with the pay-in-full option.

What you get in the 13-week program:

  • The 6-week Positive Intelligence Program AND 1 year subscription to the Positive Intelligence® App (valued at $995.00)
  • The book Positive Intelligence in audiobook and PDF formats (valued at $14.99)
  • PLUS the Secret Sauce that makes the program so effective: 12 meetings with your accountability group AND 2 1:1 Coaching Sessions with me  (valued at $1,500)
  • PLUS 2 Additional Bonuses and Resources (valued at $750)

More than $3,200 worth of value for only $931.67 down today.

3 Monthly Payments


3 Monthly Payments


Full Payment


Full Payment

Save $500


When you enroll, you will be added to my PRIVATE Community. This is the place where you can share and celebrate your Wins, track your progress, ask questions, get clarity, participate in Challenges, and build lasting relationships with your Accountability Group.

Positive Intelligence® GROW program ($150 value)

Mental fitness is like physical fitness; you can’t do it for 12 weeks and then stop working out and expect to maintain your fitness level. Building your mental muscles is a life-long project. Just as it’s easier to keep up a physical fitness regimen when you join a gym, so too it is easier to keep up your mental fitness training regimen when you are a member of a mental fitness gym. That’s why I include 3 months of Positive Intelligence® GROW program as a bonus.



Weekly Accountability Meetings ($600)

You’ll meet weekly with other women who are going through the Program with you.

Accountability is a critical success factor when building new habits. Research shows that there is a 500% greater likelihood that you will stick with new habits if you have support and accountability.

Two 1:1 Coaching Sessions with me ($300)

I will help you work through issues that you are struggling with using the incredibly powerful Positive Intelligence Coaching Framework.

By the end of the session, you will have a clearer understanding of the problem, what you want to do to solve the problem, and what next step you want to take.

You’ll be amazed at the results you'll get from a one 60-minute coaching session with me.!

1:1 Pre-and-Post Assessments ($300)

You’ll meet one-on-one with me in during the Onboarding week and in week 6 to measure your Positive Intelligence Quotient before and after the program and come up with a customized training schedule that fits your daily routine.

90 days to Put the Program to the Test! 100% satisfaction guarantee* if you do all of the work and don’t see results.

“This is my commitment to you. I want there to be no risk whatsoever when you decide to join the Academy!”

I am putting 100% of the RISK on me!

You have EXACTLY 90 days from the day you start the program to put Successful Solopreneur Academy to the test! That’s three months to change the balance of power in your brain.*

I offer this 100% satisfaction guarantee* because I believe in the Successful Solopreneur Academy THAT MUCH! Mental fitness just plain works if you work it and I will refund your money if it doesn't.

* There IS fine print to this Satisfaction Guarantee. It is NOT unconditional. You won’t get results if you don’t do the work. To qualify for the 100% money back guarantee, you must follow the Dream Achiever Academty training regimen. You must:

  • Watch all 6 weekly video sessions
  • Do at least 36 PQ Reps a day
  • Attend at least 5 of the 7 meetings of your Accountability Group
  • Share the results of your pre-and-post PQ Assessment results with me

If you’ve done all these things and your Positive Intelligence Quotient score hasn’t improved, I will give you 100% of your money back.

*What do I mean by “change the balance of power in your brain”? None of us will ever be totally free of mental self-sabotage and negative thoughts and feelings because …. We are human beings with a hard-wired survival instinct. However, we CAN exert better control over our minds when we follow a daily mental fitness training regimen and practice the mental fitness strategies. When we do that, our positive mental muscles get stronger and our negative mental muscles get weaker. The way we measure the strength of our positive and negative mental muscles is through the PQ Assessment that was developed and tested by the Positive Intelligence company. The Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ) score measures the percentage of time our minds are serving us versus sabotaging us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question you need to have answered before enrolling in the Successful Solopreneur Academy? Below is a list of the most common frequently asked questions I get, with the answers below! If, for some reason, you do not see your question, simply reach out to me at [email protected].